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Name- Jaba King


Known Monikers- "The Misled Youth, " The Juggalo SINsation" "The Cult Classic"


From- Sin City


Height- 6ft 1 inch


Weight- 320lbs


Entrance Music- " Anybody Out There" by Machine Head


Years Wrestling- 14 years


Debut- July 5th, 2003 at ETWA Wrestling's Red, White and Bruised against Blaze


Trained By- Aaron Fire, Donnie Myers and The Buzzard


Promotions Worked For-  Eastern Townships Wrestling Association (10 years), Rhode Island Championship Wrestling, , Slam Allstar Wrestling (2 appearences), Le Lutte de NBW (2 Appearences), Main Event Wrestling (3 Appearences) Real Action Wrestling (5 Appearences), Wrestling Federation Of America (1 Appearence) and World Wrestling Wildfire (1 appearence, Exiting Wrestling Entertainment (2 Appearences) Avalanche Wrestling Entertainment (1 Appearence)


Titles Held- ETWA Cruiserweight Champion 3x, ETWA Canadian Champion 1x and ETWA Heavyweight Champion 1x, RICW Tag Team Champion w/ Rocky Rhodes, 1x EWE Championatt Paul LeDuc 


Signature Moves- Face Wash, Suicide King Dive, Hatchet Handle, The Hangmen's Plex and The Murda Go Round


Finishers- The Crowning Moment and Epic Fail


Allies- Aaron Fire, Sack Tyler Sexton and Rocky Rhodes (The Purge in ETWA)

and Rocky Rhodes as the #JabaRockies in RICW


Trade Mark Phrases- "Jaba King is better than Bacon." "I put the Freak back in Freakin Awesome" and "I will give you the Crowning Moment of your career." "We are the #JABAROCKIES and we don't dance we kick ass"

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